Bolt flour with fine mesh sieve. I use a 60 mesh.
Warm milk and add 1 tablespoon of sugar and yeast. Allow to sit for 5-10 minutes in your stand mixer.
Add the softened butter, eggs, and egg yolks. Mix a little. The butter will not full incorporate.
Add the rest of the sugar and mix.
Mix in the flour and cover. Allow to rest for 15 minutes.
After it has rested add the salt and knead the dough until smooth and elastic. This can take 5-10 minutes.
Allow to rise until doubled. About one-two hours depending on how warm your house it. It always takes less time in the summer months.
Roll dough out into a 12X18 ish rectangle.
Spread the softened butter over the dough.
Make the toping: Mix the brown sugar and spices together and sprinkle over the top of the butter.
Start rolling up the dough from the long end. Then pinch the edge the best you can to seal it.
Using a sharp knife or a serrated knife cut the rolls into 12-15 pieces.
2nd rise overnight: Place in a 9 by 13 dish then cover with plastic wrap and tin foil and put in the fridge overnight.
The next morning take out the cinnamon rolls, take of the tin foil (leave the plastic wrap) and start to preheat your oven to 375℉. They will puff up a little more, but not much.
Once the oven has preheated for about 10 minutes take the plastic wrap off the cinnamon rolls and bake for 22-28 minutes.
While they are baking prepare you frosting. Cream the butter and cream cheese together. Then add the maple and vanilla extract. Finally add your powder sugar. I find you get a smoother frosting if you sift the powder sugar.
Allow the rolls to cool slightly, then spread the frosting on the rolls when they are warm (not hot).