When you think of St. Patrick’s Day, what do you think of? Images that leap to my mind? Leprechauns, beer, green and white, rainbows and corned beef brisket and cabbage. Corned beef brisket would have never made the list before I met Matt.  I had never eaten it.  His family eats it every St. Patrick’s […]
Red Velvet Cookies
So I totally meant to get this posted earlier than the day before Valentine’s Day, but, that didn’t happen… better late than never though, right? It took me a little bit, but I created a pretty yummy red velvet cookie recipe.  This recipe uses powdered buttermilk.  You can find it in the baking isle […]
Nutella Stuffed Banana Muffins
Sorry for the lack of posts as of lately. I’ve been working pretty hard on getting my new blog ready to go live. Just to let you all know, I’m actually going to be changing the name of my blog (eek, is skill kinda scares me) to… A Sprinkle of Joy I’m pretty excited. It’s […]
Guest Posting Opprotunity
I wanted to talk to you all today about a guest posting opportunity I’d like to start. I’ve mentioned it a few times in past posts, but wanted to talk about it a little more. I always love reading guest post on my friend’s blogs, and I love guest posting on other blogs. It is […]
Bucket List Update
Now that we are nearing the end of July I think it’s time to revisit my summer bucket list. Since our last check in, we have visited a beach (Lake Michigan) and I completed my photo taking back drop! Matt and I have gotten to go out with Annabelle a few times. Annabelle spent the […]
Fourth of July Crafts
So I totally meant to get this post done sooner, but you know.. life! Better late than never right? Fourth of July Flag This was a super easy craft to do, and more than likely most people have materials on hand. Step One: Get a red piece of construction paper and cut out white strips […]