So…. how many of you are currently trying to shovel yourself out of your house? It is hard to believe how much snow we got yesterday and last night. I don’t think I ever remember getting so much snow at once. Now that the snow has passed, we are getting hit with arctic air. Temperatures […]
Happy New Year!
I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday! Sorry it has been so long since I have written, I feel like there is so much to talk about! Life has been crazy! The holiday time is always busy, but this year it just seemed so much more. Perhaps that is because I hosted Christmas for […]
DIY Christmas Mantel Decoration
Linking up with Rose for the Inspire Me Blog Hop.  I finally finished decorating my mantel. I am quite happy with how it turned out. 🙂 I saw this on pintrest, and figured I could do it myself. It wasn’t really hard, just took a bit of time. Here is how mine turned out. All […]
Christmas Printables
I have finally created some printables for Christmas and would like to share them with you (I left the watermark off so that you can use it how you would like). I am trying out google docs to see if I can share them this way. I’m new to it, so please bare with me! […]
Happy December
Sorry for the long hiatus. Between Annabelle’s iffy napping then spending Thanksgiving Up North I haven’t had a lot of time to sit down and write a blog post. It is hard to believe it is already December and Christmas is a mere 22 days away. We are hosting my family’s Christmas this year, which […]
More Pictures
Before I post some more pictures of Annabelle, I’m wondering if anyone else stresses over what to feed their little one. I feel like I am constantly looking up what I can feed her, what I should avoid because of allergies, and how to start finger’s food. Then, once I introduce a new food I […]