I hope that everyone is doing well. I’m not going to lie last week, as well as this weekend could have been better. I felt like I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I could barely keep up with anything. My blog didn’t get much attention, my house was a […]
Pregnancy Update: Week 24
 How far along: 24 weeks Baby Size: almost as long as an ear of corn Cravings:  none Symptoms:  I have developed carpal tunnel, and it is the pits. It makes knitting and crocheting hard to do, since my hand starts to go numb like 10 minutes in. It also bothers me a night, so I am […]
Lunch Inspiration for my Picky Eater
This post is sponsored by Pepperidge Farm, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own. It’s hard for me to believe that next month Annabelle will be starting Kindergarten. She is so excited to go to school, learn, make friends, and of course talk to everyone. I really don’t have any major fears […]
Caramel Filled Oreo Brownies
I hope that everyone had an amazing Mother’s Day! We hosted this year and had my mom and dad, my MIL, my grandparents in-law (is that even how you say it), and my SIL and her family. It was a lot of fun, even though we ended up eating an hour later than planned (which […]
Spicy Sausage and Pasta Skillet
I’ve been trying to come up with more easy to go to dinner recipes. Some days after running around all day I have no desire to stand in front of the stove, or tackle a recipe that is super complicated. This recipe comes together quickly, is cheesy, and is just spicy enough. To start off […]
Oreo and Brownie Parfait
Last week I went to a potluck meeting for Annabelle’s preschool. I, of course, signed up for desert, because dessert is delicious. And in my opinion, if it isn’t chocolate then it’s not dessert. After thinking about it for a little bit, I decided on bringing this Oreo Parfait. It is so tasty, and you […]