At this point in time many states have decided to close school for an extended period of time to mitigate COVID-19. Here in Michigan schools are canceled until April 5th. Our district then has Spring Break which means a month off. This has left many working parents scrambling to find child care, and most parents […]
20 Questions to Ask Your Child After School
If your child is anything like mine, then getting them to tell you about their day is like pulling teeth. One would think with they way Annabelle will talk from the moment she gets up till bed time this wouldn’t be a problem. Not the case. Here was a common exchange: Me: Hi sweetie! Did […]
Getting to Know Your Teacher Printable
With the holiday season upon us I wanted to share a printable with you. I always here the question “what should I get my child’s teacher for the holidays?” As a former teacher I can tell you they probably have enough lotion, coffee mugs, and candles to last a lifetime. I can also say that […]
First Day of School {Memories and Link-Up}
I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again, it’s hard to believe that it’s already August. Soon we will be basking in the glory that is known as Fall. Before we get to enjoy those amazing crisp days, we have to do one thing… Head back to school! This year will be the […]
Conversation Hearts Activities
Now that Annabelle is getting older I am trying very hard to include some more “educational” activities in our day to day life. These activities are usually done during Autumn’s nap, so Annabelle really looks forward to the one-on-one time that we get to spend doing them. Since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching I came […]
Simply Smart Kids: Tools for Learning
**I was given the Simply Smart Kids ® program to review. All thoughts and comments are my own.** As a former teacher, early education and learning is very important to me (as I am sure it is to many parents). I am always trying to find ways to help my kids learn. In my early childhood […]