A few days ago Matt had to head Up North to help take care of some things at the cottage. Since it was just the girls and I, we had a movie night I surpised them with this easy fall snack mix. Really, it was so easy to through together, and the girls were ecstatic […]
Easy Four Ingredient Ranch Pretzels
So I had originally had a different post in mind today, but then life got in the way and I wasn’t able to get all the picture I needed. Then I decided to make these super easy four ingredient ranch pretzels, and knew I needed to get them on the blog ASAP. They are so […]
Easy Lemon Blueberry Muffins with Applesauce
I hope that everyone had a fabulous weekend. On Saturday Matt went to my SIL and BIL’s house to help them with some stuff… and he took the older girls with him!! Aubrie took a fabulous nap, and I had a few hours for me. I spent it sewing, and it was wonderful. Over the […]
Easy Banana Nut Muffins with Chocolate Chips
Don’t let those brown bananas go to waste. Use them to make these banana nut muffins with chocolate chips. So I know that banana nut muffins are a dime a dozen but I made these over break and wanted to share them with you. Yes I thought that I would have had this recipe posted […]
Circus Animal Popcorn Treat
So it’s been pretty busy around here. After throwing my mom her surprise 70th birthday Annabelle went back to school. Then we had visitors over the Labor Day Weekend. This week Autumn started preschool for the first time, and the girls started dance. I am finally getting a chance to breathe! I made this circus […]
Easy Homemade Poptarts Two Ways
Ok, confession. I made this recipe a month or so ago. Aldi had strawberries on sale so I bought a bunch of them. We froze some, ate some, used some in smoothies, but we still had some left. One day at the store the girls spied some poptarts and asked if we could get some. […]