You may remember last week when I shared this easy to make pumpkin pie. Well, I knew that I wanted to also make a slightly less traditional pumpkin pie, and opted for one with bourbon, along with a graham cracker/pecan crust. This bourbon pumpkin pie turned out very tasty, and once again is made using […]
Easy Homemade Pumpkin Pie Made From Scratch
Ah pumpkin pie. One of the staple of many Thanksgiving celebrations. But, can I let you in on a little secret. I’ve never been a huge a fan of pumpkin pie, or any pie really. Maybe it’s the lack of chocolate. I mean can you really call it a dessert if there is no chocolate […]
Easy Red Wine Apple Cider Sangria
Back when I threw my mom her surprise 70th birthday party I made this easy red wine apple cider sangria. The apple orchard had just opened the day prior, and I was so thankful I was able to pick up a bottle of cider (along with some donuts) so I could make this drink. It […]
Quick and Easy Churro Parfait
You may remember my Mom’s 70th Birthday post where I talked about how some of my desserts met an untimely end. It was a sad day, but thankfully I had already made the recipe once before and took was able to take a few pictures of this quick and easy churro parfait, before they fell […]
Circus Animal Popcorn Treat
So it’s been pretty busy around here. After throwing my mom her surprise 70th birthday Annabelle went back to school. Then we had visitors over the Labor Day Weekend. This week Autumn started preschool for the first time, and the girls started dance. I am finally getting a chance to breathe! I made this circus […]
Easy Homemade Poptarts Two Ways
Ok, confession. I made this recipe a month or so ago. Aldi had strawberries on sale so I bought a bunch of them. We froze some, ate some, used some in smoothies, but we still had some left. One day at the store the girls spied some poptarts and asked if we could get some. […]