Today I wanted to share with you this super simple salted caramel s’more brownie recipe. I made it to bring to my parents on the 4th of July and everyone agreed it was delicious. I didn’t take step by step photos, because it’s was pretty easy to do. I highly suggest using homemade salted caramel […]
The Best Homemade Marshmallow Rice Krispy Treats
So you may remember last summer I threw my mom an epic surprise party for her 70th birthday. It was a blast, and one of the treats I made were homemade rice krispy treats. After making homemade marshmallows, I realized that I could use the “batter” before it sat out overnight to make some pretty […]
Edible Monster Cookie Dough
So how is everyone hanging in there? Some days I’m on my game, and other days I am not so much. I find cooking with my girls has helped improve my mood over the past few months. Last week one of the things I “baked” with the girls was this edible monster cookie dough. To […]
Edible Funfetti Cookie Dough {New and Improved Version}
**This new and improved Edible Funfetti Cookie Dough is sure to be a hit with young and old. Super soft, it practically melts in your mouth.** This week has been sort of crazy. Between Autumn being sick since Friday, and Annabelle having winter break the whole week I haven’t had a ton of time to […]
Homemade Marshmallows without Corn Syrup
Remember back in the summer when I threw my mom an epic surprise 70th birthday? Well one of the treats I made for it were rice krispy treats with homemade marshmallows, and they were so tasty! Now I want to share with you how easy it is to make homemade marshmallows without corn syrup. So […]
Easy Banana Nut Muffins with Chocolate Chips
Don’t let those brown bananas go to waste. Use them to make these banana nut muffins with chocolate chips. So I know that banana nut muffins are a dime a dozen but I made these over break and wanted to share them with you. Yes I thought that I would have had this recipe posted […]