I hope that everyone had a fabulous weekend. The Spartans started their season, so it was a great weekend filled with football and food. I don’t know about you, but I love a good snack mix, particularly one that pairs well with watching football or a charcuterie board. I absolutely love candied pecans, so was […]
Easy Fall Snack Mix
A few days ago Matt had to head Up North to help take care of some things at the cottage. Since it was just the girls and I, we had a movie night I surpised them with this easy fall snack mix. Really, it was so easy to through together, and the girls were ecstatic […]
Baked Peaches with Streusel Topping
I hope that everyone had a fantastic weekend. Nothing exciting happened around here. We got some things done around the house, and I started preparing for the official start of home school. I never imagined that I would be homeschooling, but here we are. Last night was the first night since March that the older […]
Beef Gnocchi with Pesto Tomato Sauce Skillet
This summer our basil plant is absolutely thriving (even after losing part of it because it broke off). Other than margherita pizza and all things caprese (like this grilled caprese sandwich, or these California caprese bites) I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with the rest. While we will dehydrate a bunch of […]
Easy Four Ingredient Ranch Pretzels
So I had originally had a different post in mind today, but then life got in the way and I wasn’t able to get all the picture I needed. Then I decided to make these super easy four ingredient ranch pretzels, and knew I needed to get them on the blog ASAP. They are so […]
Easy Lemon Blueberry Muffins with Applesauce
I hope that everyone had a fabulous weekend. On Saturday Matt went to my SIL and BIL’s house to help them with some stuff… and he took the older girls with him!! Aubrie took a fabulous nap, and I had a few hours for me. I spent it sewing, and it was wonderful. Over the […]