This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc., Kleenex, Lipton, and Theraflu. All opinions are mine alone. #FluSeasonHacks #CollectiveBias Now, if you read this blog regularly, you know that I love fall.  The weather, the food, the football, it’s all amazing. Well, everything but one thing. Cold and flu season. In years past I’ve […]
Pregnancy Update: 33 Weeks
How far along: 33 weeks Baby Size: Some sites say the size of a cantaloupe, others celery, and others pineapple. All I know is that my stomach is large and in charge. And I have def. gained more than four pounds… 😉 Symptoms: Ummm…. is not being able to bend over without sighing a symptom? […]
Pregnancy Update: 32 Weeks
How far along: 32 weeks Baby Size: Baby is as big as a head of lettuce Symptoms: Maybe some braxton hix contractions? I never had them with either girl, but the other day I had some random stomach pain similar to cramping. My stomach never got tight, so I honestly don’t know. Also I need […]
Pregnancy Update: Week 31
I can’t believe that I am down to single digit weeks. These chalkboards are getting harder and harder for me to remember to do… but here’s hoping I can keep it up at the tail end of my pregnancy. How far along: 31 weeks Baby Size: Baby is as big as a coconut Symptoms: Thankfully […]
Pregnancy Update: Week 30
So this is not one of my better chalkboards. The farther along I get, the harder it is to think of cute chalkboards to do. I consider just taking the picture a win! How far along: 30 weeks Baby Size: weights about 3lbs. Symptoms: other than feeling ginormous, nope Movement: There is def. movement going […]
Getting out of a Funk
I had originally planned to post a DIY sign today, but I couldn’t get my act together, plus it just didn’t feel right. If you follow me on IG then you know I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately, and unfortunately I’m still in it. Between the girls’ constant sickness, the house still […]