Gah! How am I already to week 37?! This is just craziness y’all. And yes, it’s basically the same chalkboard from last week. I’ve been so busy, getting a picture was a feat in itself. How far along: 37 weeks Baby Size: Baby girl is as big as romaine lettuce (??) Symptoms: Nothing new. Just […]
Pregnancy Update: 36 Weeks
How far along: 36 weeks Baby Size: Baby girl weighs almost 6 pounds. Symptoms: I think I may be experiencing braxton hix contractions, but I can’t really tell as I have never had them before. It’s a strange feeling that is just sorta uncomfortable. Then it goes away. Movement: Still moving all around, my girls […]
Getting to Know Your Teacher Printable
With the holiday season upon us I wanted to share a printable with you. I always here the question “what should I get my child’s teacher for the holidays?” As a former teacher I can tell you they probably have enough lotion, coffee mugs, and candles to last a lifetime. I can also say that […]
Rocking out with the Rocktopus
**This post is sponsored by Fischer-Price and Soapbox Influence. All thoughts an opinions are my own. #RoctopusWalmart** How is it already the end of November?! I swear it was just the start of Fall and now we are nearing Winter, and my favorite holiday of all, Christmas! When it comes to Christmas I can be […]
Pregnancy Update: 35 Weeks
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! I hope you are enjoying this Turkey Day with friends, family, and lots of yummy food! How far along: 35 weeks Baby Size: Baby girl is as big as a honey dew melon, and is starting to run out of room. Symptoms: Nothing new to report. Still some heartburn, but no signs […]
Pregnancy Update: 34 Weeks
How far along: 34 weeks Baby Size: Baby girl is as big as a cantaloupe. Symptoms: I’ve started getting more heartburn again which is no fun. Usually at night. Other than that it’s pretty much life as usual around here. Movement: It’s no nice to feel this little one moving around. I hate that I […]