This has been another weird week. Aubrie still has a bit of a cold which means she wants me to hold her all. the. time. when she is up. Then on Wednesday the girls had a snow day, which meant that glorious alone time I get during Aubrie’s nap was no more. I had been […]
Weekend Recap {1.21.20}
I hope that everyone had a great weekend. We had a long weekend since the girls had Monday off. And a busy weekend we had. I will admit it started off a bit rough. The girls were supposed to have a sleepover with Grammy and Papa (my parents) on Friday, however a snowstorm was in […]
Weekend Update {12.16.19}
I hope everyone had a great weekend! While we did many things, I wouldn’t say it was all fun. Wednesday night Annabelle came down with a cold, and by Thursday morning she was miserable. She had Thursday and Friday off, and pretty much was under the weather Saturday as well. She finally seemed like herself […]
Weekend Update {12.5.18}
This weekend was a super busy one! Like I’ve barely had a chance to breathe busy. FRIDAY On Friday I got to hang out with some of the awesome contributors of Detroit Mom (I’ve been contributing for about 4 years now). In true Danielle fashion I totally forgot to take pictures. I was just having […]
Weekend Recap {10.21.19}
I hope that everyone had a fabulous weekend! It feels like it has been forever since I’ve done a little bit of an update on what’s been going on around here! I’ve been so focused on getting craft/recipe posts up, and we’ve been leading a relatively uneventful life, that I’ve just skipped over the daily […]
Autumn’s 4th Hello Kitty Birthday Party
This weekend we threw Autumn’s 4th birthday party. She opted for a Hello Kitty Birthday party (after saying for months she wanted a Puppy Dog Pals one). It was a great party and I think everyone had fun! As always I decorated the foyer. I didn’t make a huge balloon arch this time (because I […]