**Note: I wrote this pre-Covid, but never published it. The feelings still ring true.** As I pushed my shopping cart through the store, with my youngest in the seat, an elderly woman came up to me. “Oh my goodness what a cute baby!” she exclaimed. “Enjoy this time now. They grow up so fast!” I […]
Weekend Reset and Apple Unit for Homeschool
As you may recall from my post on Friday or this one about parenting during the pandemic, I’ve been on the struggle bus. Everything is so overwhelming, so I took the weekend to reset. It was great. The girls and I baked some blueberry muffins and we did some major weeding as a family. Then […]
Start of the School Year
While I normally share a Five on Friday, this week has been super sucky. I have barely taken any pictures, have had no patience, and have just fallen into another funk. I am hoping I can turn it around this weekend. So remember earlier this week when I shared this mask necklace holder tutorial? Well, […]
Parenting During a Pandemic: It Sucks
We all know that parenting is not for the feint of heart, but parenting during a pandemic takes it to a whole other level. I had just started to feel like myself again after having baby #3, then the world shut down. I wake up stressed and anxious, and it just doesn’t go away. While […]
Weekly Recap {June 28-July 5}
I hope that everyone had a great weekend, and a happy 4th of July to those who celebrated. We had a fun time (although, different that the norm). Here’s a recap of our week last week! Sunday, June 28 Sunday was kind of a lazy day at home. We didn’t do a whole lot besides […]
Weekend Recap {Birthday Party Style}
This weekend we finally were able to have Annabelle’s birthday party. After cancelling it just before the world shut down, she has been waiting, and waiting. Once we found out the March Stay at Home order was going to last longer than anticipated we told her we would hopefully have it in the summer time, […]