I really think this is one of my favorite monthly link ups. It is still so crazy to me to see how much Annabelle has changed since I first started participating. Before it was one word answers, and now I can barely get everything down. So sit back, have a sip of your favorite beverage […]
Ten Things I Want to Do
When my friend Beth did this post, I knew I had to get in on the action! Ten things I’ve wanted to do! This is different than my monthly goals, or my seasonal bucket lists.  Some of the items I may never cross, while others have a little more of a chance. Surprisingly enough, it […]
Improving Skin with C-ESTA
**This is post is powered by Brandbacker. I received this product free for testing purposes but as always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.** Now that I am over 30, I have started to put more thought into my skin.  I’ve noticed more fine lines, and my face just doesn’t seem as bright anymore. […]
Fourth of July Round Up
With the Fourth of July tomorrow, I wanted to share a round up of posts from some of my friends. Be sure to head over and check them out! Â Looking for outfit inspirations? Â Check out Becky at ByBMG or Tiffany at Bright on a Budget Need some yummy eats? Firecracker Truffles from yours […]
Five Summertime Mom Hacks
Being a mom is hard work! During the year I feel busy, but once summer hits I’m always moving. Whether it’s taking the kids to the zoo, heading to the splash pad for some fun in the sun, or hosting a play date at home. We are a family who loves enjoying summer and all […]
Summer Bucket List {Check One}
How is it almost the end of June??  I figured I’d check in to see how the girls and I are doing on our Summer Bucket List. Splash Pad We have made it to the splash pad a few times, and I am sure we will go more.  We usually make a morning out of […]