It’s been a while since I checked in on how our bucket list is going. So honestly… we haven’t been able to check off a whole heck of a lot.  I thought I had done a lot more on our list, but I guess that I haven’t. I wanted to triple check off read a […]
Year Round Lessons with Goldfish Swim School
**I am pleased to be partnering with Goldfish Swim School to bring you this post. Â While they are providing lessons free of cost to me, all thoughts and comments are my own.** As the summer is drawing to an end, and kids are getting ready to go back to school, many people begin to think […]
First Day of School {Memories and Link-Up}
I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again, it’s hard to believe that it’s already August.  Soon we will be basking in the glory that is known as Fall. Before we get to enjoy those amazing crisp days, we have to do one thing… Head back to school! This year will be the […]
Life Lately
I’ve been blogging for almost four years.  Four years!  That is crazy to me.  I feel like I have come sooo far from when I first started.  But somewhere in those years, it started becoming stressful, and not as fun.  Stephanie over at Wife Mommy Me wrote a post yesterday that really resonated with me. […]
Growing Roots {July Box Review}
*I have a partnership with Growing Roots Subscription Box. Â I received this box for free in exchange for my thoughts and a review. ** Annabelle, Autumn and I were so excited when our July Growing Roots box showed up at our door. Â If you missed our first review you can check it out here. While […]
Talking Water Safety with Chris
**I am pleased to be partnering with Goldfish Swim School to bring you this post. Â While they are providing lessons free of cost to me, all thoughts and comments are my own.** Today I am talking water safety with Chris McCuiston, founder and Co-CEO of Goldfish Swim School. Chris was kind enough to answer some […]