I hope that everyone had a fantastic Fourth of July! Like every year, we headed to my parents house, then walked over to the neighbors for a party and fireworks. This year we let Autumn stay too, and it was too cute. The girls both loved the fireworks! And slept in 15 more minutes, since […]
Life Happens, and Goldfish Swim School Understands
**I am pleased to be partnering with Goldfish Swim School to bring you this post.  While they are providing lessons free of cost to me, all thoughts and comments are my own.** Now that summer is in full swing, life has gotten pretty busy around here. Between day camps, VBS, doctors’ appointments, and vacation our […]
Pregnancy Update: Week 14
This pregnancy is just chugging along. Honestly I feel like I don’t have a lot of time to think about it, what with keeping the house clean so we can sell it, and chasing around two kids. I just hope I have a little time to breathe between selling our house, moving into our new […]
Pregnancy Update: Week 13
It’s hard to believe that I am saying see ya later to the first trimester! I’m excited to see what the next trimester will bring! 🙂  How far along: 13 weeks Baby Size: .81 oz Cravings: not really. I’m sorta out of the macaroni and cheese cravings, but nothing new. Symptoms: I am still soooo tired. I’ve always […]
The Goldfish Experience
**I am pleased to be partnering with Goldfish Swim School to bring you this post.  While they are providing lessons free of cost to me, all thoughts and comments are my own.** We’ve been going to Goldfish for swim lessons for about a year and half, and I still love it, as do my kids! […]
Weekend Re-Cap
Well hello there friends! How have you been! I took a slightly unplanned break from the blog the last week. Lately I’ve felt a bit burned out on the blog end. I was having a hard time coming up with ideas, and I didn’t want to post just for the sake of posing. Having limited […]