It’s that time again folks, time for the Five on Friday link up! It’s the day were you blog about whatever five things you want! Feel free to do the same and join the link-up (just copy and paste that button below into your blog post). I join via Darci over at The Good Life. […]
Five on Friday
Well hello Friday, glad we meet again!  It’s time to link up with Darci for the Five for Friday. 1.  It’s October!  The leaves are starting to change color, the weather is getting cooler (except this week where it is in the upper 70s/ low 80s… Come on weather, get it together), and Halloween is […]
Five on Friday
So, I am going to try to do a link-up. I have never done it before and hope that it works the way it is supposed to. Just in case, check out Darci’s Blog. #1: I watched my first pre-season football game yesterday! That means the start of fantasy football and cheering on the Spartans […]