I hope that everyone had a fabulous week. Are you as happy as I am that the weekend is here?? This weekend I am going to be going on an overnight with some friends I can’t wait! It is going to be so much fun to just hang out, and then sleep in! Now I […]
10 Memories with My Spouse
Today I am joining up with Erin of Perfectly Port for her link up 10 on 10. This month the theme is 10 memories with your spouse, and although the link up went live Monday, I knew I wanted to share a little something about my hubs on Valentine’s Day! 🙂 Also, some of these […]
Little Letters {February 2018}
Hello there Friday! How is it going today? As I type this at noon on Thursday, we are under a Winter Weather Watch. By this time tomorrow the snow is supposed to be falling, and falling hard. But if there is one thing I have learned about Michigan weather, you really never can predict it. […]
Five on Friday {1.25.18}
Today is the fourth Friday of the month of January, how is that even possible?? Before we know it, the Easter Bunny will be here, then bam it will be summer. With Annabelle going to Kindergarten in the Fall, I feel I am much more aware of how quickly time is passing. Not that I’m […]
Five on Friday {1.19.18}
Happy Friday everyone! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a Five on Friday, so let’s get to it!  ONE: Watercolor If you follow me on IG then you know I’ve been playing with watercolor. At first I was using it for my bullet journal, but that quickly morphed into to giving my […]
The Daily Dime {January 2018}
Today I am joining Kristin, of Taz and Belly for for Daily Dime link up. The concept is simple. Take ten photos over the course of a day, and blog all about it. Then link back with the hosts.  So, I took my ten pictures on Monday, January 15th. At first I was going […]