I don’t know about you, cleaning my house, and trying to keep it clean, is a constant, and I mean constant battle. I swear I do the dishes, then I turn around, and bam, my sink looks like this: My living and family room are usually a constant clutter of toys, even though I really do […]
Detroit Moms Blog
Hello friends! My first post over at Detroit Moms Blog is up!  Head on over and and check it out. 🙂
Easter Recap
Hey everyone!  Hope that you all had a fantastic Easter!  Here’s a recap of our Easter. A few days before Easter we dyed eggs for the first time.  Autumn was sleeping, and Annabelle was only interested in doing it for about 5 minutes, but it was still fun. The day before Easter we went to […]
Follow my blog with Bloglovin Hey Friends, Just trying to get Bloglovin set up with my new blog. 🙂
Welcome to the New Space!
Hello! Â If you are here, then hopefully that means Sundaes and Spaghetti successfully redirected you here, to A Sprinkle of Joy. I figured my first post and my site going live deserved a celebration! So, why the change? A while back I realized that I really wanted to try to make my blog a bit […]
February Recap
How on earth is the month of February over?! Before I go onto my blogs, I have some exciting news to share (if you follow me on Facebook, then you’ve seen it. If you don’t follow me on Facebook, you should ;)).I am a new contributor for the Detroit Moms Blog!! I am super excited. […]