**I received this product free for testing purposes. All thoughts and comments are my own** I have been having a great time receiving the Growing Roots subscription box. Every month I am surprised with fun and unique items that both the girls and I love! What I also love is that each month has a […]
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$10 at Target {May 2017}
I’m glad I was able to make it to Target this month (after totally forgetting last month). I always enjoy spending time browsing, well as much time as my girls allow me to browse. First stop (after a Starbucks treat) was the dollar spot, where I spied… More scarves! This cute little tic-tac toe game. […]
What I Wore {March 2017}
Well folks I did it! I went another month wearing a different outfit each day. My outfits were even different (I think… there may be some repeats) than the ones I wore in February. 🙂 Now, come see what I wore in March. March 1-4 March 5-8 March 10-13 March 14-17 March 18-21 March 22-25 […]
33 Facts about Me
So, not only is Annabelle’s Birthday in March but mine is too! In fact she was due just around my birthday, and Matt was like “wouldn’t it be cool if she was born on your birthday?”. Being in labor on my birthday did not sound like fun to me. Today I wanted to share 33 […]
Weekend Recap
I hope that everyone had a fabulous weekend! When Monday comes around I am always torn. I’m sad because the weekend is done, but feel I also feel motivated to do all the things. I haven’t done a weekend recap post in ages, so I’m excited to share what we were up too. 🙂 On […]