I don’t know about you, but that weekend flew by! The girls and I were quite busy, but had a blast! FRIDAY: On Friday the girls and I enjoyed the last day of break hanging out at home. It’s been very relaxing not having to rush out of the house every morning. I worked on […]
How to use BoardBooster Like a Boss and Grow your Traffic
**This post contains affiliates. That means if you make purchase through the link I will make a small commission. ** If you have been blogging for any amount of time, then you know probably know that Pinterest is your friend. It is by far the number one way I get traffic to my blog. At […]
Girls Night Recap
Hello wonderful friends! I hope that everyone had a fabulous weekend, and is ready to take on this week! Annabelle has the week off of school, which I am actually a little excited about. Don’t get me wrong, I love Annabelle’s school, but it will be nice to not have to run around everyday. Plus […]
How I Keep Track of Social Shares
One of my blogging goals for this month was to figure out a way to keep track of social shares. Specifically of how to schedule previous posts that had been published. Since I’m trying to stick to publishing posts three days a week, I wanted to share old posts on the off days. And since I’ve […]
Top Posts of 2017
Instead of Five on Friday, I’m giving you Ten on Friday! 😉 I did this last year, and figured I would do it again this year. I love looking back and seeing what posts are popular. So, without further addo, starting with #10 and going to #1. #10: What’s Cooking Wednesday #9: Bubble Guppies Birthday […]
Weekend Recap {10.30.17}
This weekend has been a fun and busy on! Before starting I wanted to mention that all last week we were under a boil water advisory. On Monday afternoon a 48″ diameter piper burst. While it was repaired by Wednesday night, the testing took longer than expected, so the advisory wasn’t lifted until Sunday afternoon. […]