Now that we are at the end of April (which I can’t quite believe), it appears that the Spring weather is here to stay here in Michigan. The girls and I have been loving spending time outdoors, and enjoying all the nice weather. Today I wanted to share a quick Bucket List check in! Looking […]
Spring Bucket List {2017}
I finally got my Spring Bucket List written! I blame the fact that it really hasn’t felt much like Spring here in the mitten state (we are supposed to get 1-3 inches of snow this afternoon.  Annabelle is super excited) for the delay. So what’s on my bucket list? Here’s hoping I can get these […]
March Recap and April Goals [2017]
I really can’t believe that it is already April.  March just seemed to speed by.  All of a sudden it was the end of the month and I realized that I really didn’t even look at my goals again. #fail With that said, I’m afraid to take a look, but take a look we shall. […]
March Goals [2017]
How is it already a week into March?! Before we get to far along, I figured I better recap my February goals, and share my plans for March. February Goals Blog Continue growing social media accounts: I did grow my my social media accounts, although I did ‘t grow instagram as much as I had […]
January Goals [2017]
So, I know that I just shared my 2017 goals, but I still wanted to share my January goals. My December goals really didn’t happen, so we aren’t even going to review them.  It’s a new year anyways, so a fresh start right?? On The Blog ~Grow Instagram to 1350 ~Grow Facebook to 400 ~Create […]
2017 Goals
Happy New Year everyone!  I hope that you all had a fabulous holiday.  It’s hard to believe that it’s 2017, I mean wasn’t it just 2016?  I wasn’t planning on taking so much time off, but after a few technical error with photos (I think I’ve got them figure out), I just decided to take a step […]