Since I shared my June goals so late last month, July crept up on me! Remember I didn’t really come up with lots of goals, so let’s take a look at how my June went. ~Have a “90s” style summer: Yes! We are doing a good job of spending time outside, reading, and just enjoying […]
June Goals and May Recap{2020}
So we are already 15 days into June, and I just realized that I never did a goal post. So here is how I did in May, and what I hope to accomplish in June. Better late than never though, right? BLOG ~Strive for two blog posts a week: didn’t quite accomplish this. Some weeks […]
April Goals Recap and May Goals {2020}
Well we have made it to May. Barely. If you remember my April goal was to survive. I was having a hard time adjusting to remote learning and quarantining. At the time of that post school had yet to be cancelled for the year, and we weren’t under a “shelter in place” order. Now, we […]
March Goal Recap and April Goals {2020}
I think we can all agree that March has been pretty crazy. Just when I started to find my rhythm again, shit hit the fan, and it hit hard. Here in MI we have been out of school since March 16th, and on “shelter in place” since the 17th or 18th (to be honest I […]
February Recap and March Goals {2020}
And so it is March. I always forget how slowly January goes by, but then February just happens in a snap. When I realized it was time to recap my goals I got a little nervous, since I was pretty sure I failed miserably. Between sick kids, February break, and snow days I didn’t have […]
February Goals 2020
Well 12 days into February is a good time to share my goals right? Better late than never they say. February has been sorta of busy, and I don’t think it looks like it’s going to slow down. I mentioned before that I am using the passion planner. I love that it helps you break […]