Wait… how is it already May?! Sorry for being kinda MIA the last week. Autumn had a fever on Monday, and since she still had it on Tuesday I took her into the doctor. Turns out she had influenza. We spent most of Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday cuddling and just relaxing. She is better now […]
March Recap and April Goals
Not going to lie, I’m not feeling to confident that I got all of my March goals accomplished. It’s been increasingly difficult to find time to blog since the girls rarely nap at the same time (and even when they do, Autumn usually only naps only 45 minutes, which doesn’t leave a lot of time). […]
2016 Goals
I know I’m not the first (nor will I be the last) to say this, but I can’t believe we are already in the year 2016! With the new year comes with new goals, both for the blog and life in general. In January of last year I came up with some goals, and thought […]
Bucket List Update
Can you believe we are already nearing the end of June?! Here is an update on our Summer Bucket List. Summer Reading Both Annabelle and I are signed up for the summer reading program at our local library. I love when Annabelle gets a bunch of books out to “read”. It is super cute! Art […]
Summer Bucket List
That cold spell is gone (it was 49 degrees on Monday), and hopefully the warmth is here to stay! I have been thinking about what to put on a summer bucket list, and finally sat down and made one. I’ve included things I want to do Annabelle, things I want to do without Annabelle, and […]
Blogging Goals Revisited
So I decided it was time to revisit my blogging goals: So with being pregnant, and Annabelle not sleeping in as long in the morning, I haven’t been posting as much as I would like to. Hopefully I can start posting 3-4 times week, instead of the two that I’ve been doing. I honestly don’t […]