Oh man. Guys… I didn’t even want to write this post!  September majorly kicked my butt. I started off strong, but then between prepping for Autumn’s birthday and everyone in the house getting a cold, I fizzled out. Also, I don’t think I’ve re-looked at my September goals since writing them. #Fail So, lets look […]
September Goals
What’s this?!  Two posts in one day? **Well I thought I had posted this yesterday…. apparently not…** Yes friends, it’s true!  I wanted to get my September goals down before I forgot about them, like I did with August’s goals. So, I have no recap of last months goals, but am ready with this month! […]
Summer Bucket List [July Update]
Is it really nearing the end of July already?! This summer is flying by.  I hope everyone is have a fun filled and safe summer! Let’s take a look at how my bucket list is going. So far, so good on checking things off I think! Out for ice cream! Splash pads.  We have been […]
June Recap and July Goals
Wait, what?!  It’s already July 5th??  I hope everyone had an amazing Fourth of July.  We’ve been busy hanging with family, and just enjoying the weather so blogging took a bit of a back seat. So lets see how the June goals went, and what I have planned for my July goals. Blog ~Blog at […]
Summer Bucket List [2016]
Yes, I know. It is the end of June and I am just now posting my bucket list.  Technically, summer started on June 21st, right?  So it’s not really that late. 😉 I had this list going in my head, but just never sat down to actually write it out. I love reading everyone’s bucket […]
May Recap and June Goals
Goodbye May, hello June! I am so excited that summer is finally upon us.  I can’t wait to head to the splash pad, have BBQs and just enjoy what summer brings. Once again, I don’t think I really did too great on my goals, but I’m trying not to beat myself up over it.  So, […]