I hope that everyone had a fantastic weekend. It was pretty hot around here, so we made lots of use of the pool. Unfortunately Sunday was a wash out, but that meant we could get started on cleaning out the playroom in the basement. I already have the wheels turning on how to update it, […]
100 Hours Outside Tracker {Free Printable}
If you read my June goals, then you know that I am trying to have a, what I dubbed as, “90s summer”. Lots of time outside, summer reading program, and minimal screen time. I came up with a simple summer reading program (since the one through the library wasn’t exactly what I was looking for […]
Let Freedom Ring Free Cut File
**This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through the link I may make a small commission.** I hope that everyone had a restful weekend! We spent lots of time outside in the pool, and enjoyed celebrating Father’s Day with our families. I also made another Fourth of July craft that I am […]
Free DIY Summer Reading Challenge
One of my goals this summer is to have a “90s style” summer. Like the summers of my youth. I am going to try hard to limit the girls (as well as my own) screen time. I want to spend as much time outside as possible, and do lots of fun activity. Something else I […]
Easy Fourth of July Shirt with Free Cut File
Even though I know the 4th of July is going to look different this year, I had been wanting to create a shirt using HTV. I knew I wanted to use the lyrics “this land was made for you and me”, but now the lyrics seem to be even more true. I’ve been relatively quiet […]
Free Corner to Corner Crochet Unicorn Blanket Pattern
**This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase through the link I will receive a small commission, but it will cost no extra money for you. ** I hope that everyone had a fantastic weekend. I am so excited that I am finally getting a chance to post this unicorn blanket I made for Annabelle. […]